I think I did this back in November when I blogged everyday that month. Let's see how it goes this time around.
1. If you could have free, unlimited service for one year from an extremely good cook, chauffeur, housekeeper, masseuse, or personal secretary, which one would you chose?
2. Do you squeeze your
toothpaste from the bottom, middle, top or do you roll it up from the bottom to the top?
3. Do you save greeting cards (birthday, anniversary, thank you) or do you toss them? Why?
4. What is your first memory?
1. Hands down - housekeeper. I cannot seem to stay on top of things.
Every time we clean, we keep saying,
ok, let's try to keep things picked up. Then life happens and I'm pretty sure a tornado comes through our house on a very regular basis.
2. I squeeze from the bottom. My kids and husband squeeze from wherever. Drives me nuts. But, I've come to accept it and just have my own tube to use it how I want to.
3. I don't save them. I've got nowhere to put them. I take that back. Kind of. If they are from my parents, husband or kids and they've got something extra special written I'll keep them. But 99% of them get tossed within a week or two.
4. This is
TMI, but what the hell. I remember not liking to wear underwear when I was young (or socks for that matter...you know that seam that runs across your toes? I couldn't STAND to have that at the tips of my toes. Thankfully I got over that in time). Anyway.....I remember being in preschool and my teacher saying to me, "I have a granddaughter that is about your age and size, what size pants are those? She kind of pulled out my pants to read the tag and I was mortified that she had seen me without underwear. You know, I never thought that situation was all that weird until right about now.
Your turn.