
Action Filled Evening.....

My sister-in-law had asked me to make a cake for my nephew's kid party on Wednesday. I finished 99% of it on Monday and was going to finish it up on Tuesday evening before she came to pick it up. I was running behind and the next thing I knew it was 5:15 and she was at my house. I had to put the arms on the cake (Spongebob), pack up the boys (they were staying at her house so that they could attend the party) and wrap up the gift. I was flying around the house like a mad woman!
All is fine and they take off and head home. Mike and I sat down to have dinner together when the phone rings. It's my sister-in-law. She left her truck open with the cake in the back. She went to bring it over to her neighbors house (where the party will be), took it out and realized that the dog had helped herself to a little birthday cake.
So, over she comes and we try and repair it as best we could. Luckily the dog didn't touch the top half. She ate one arm, took a big ol' bite out of Spongebob's pants and part of his leg. As we were working our magic, her cell phone rings. This is what I hear on my end of the conversation:
"For real?"
"No way."
"Shut up. Knock it off."
"A bump on his head?"
"The one on the front is from daycare."
"On the back of his head?"
"Which nephew?"
"The younger one?"
"You called the ambulance?"
"Let me talk to Colton"
"Colton, what happened?"
"OK, I'll be there in just a minute. Don't let them take Brett in the ambulance yet."

What is going on?!!!

Come to find out, the boys (my two and her one) where over by the bike jump by her house. Kyler didn't see Brett and he went over the jump. Kyler's pedal cracked Brett in the back of the head and he started bleeding. "Really bad" according to my brother -in-law. He and the neighbor weren't sure what to do so they called 911.
I called Mike right away who was on his way to a friend's house to help move some things. He takes off to Lisa's house and I hop in my car and follow Lisa (and the repaired cake) to her place. Mike gets a hold of my brother-in-law. By then the paramedics had arrived and said Brett was fine. Didn't even need stitches.
Mike cracked up as he drove up to the scene. Two cop cars with lights on, an ambulance, about 15 neighbors and my little Brett standing in the driveway with two police stickers in his hand with not a care in the world.
The sweetest part of the whole ordeal? Colton had blood all over his elbows from holding his brother, but he was also in tears. Mike asked what he was crying about. His reply? "I was just so scared for my brother."
I'd be okay if I never got one of those calls again.


Jill said...

Oh, man...what a story! Heads bleed bad, I have a similar story about my cousin when we were little.

So sweet about Colton, though! How scary for him to think that Brett was really hurt. That last paragraph brought tears to my eyes...but the whole dog-eating-Spongebob's-pants had me rolling earlier in the story!!!!

Swanson Family said...

OMG, I started out laughing and now I am CRYING! how sweet Colton is, so sweet. and Brett, little tough guy! hope you got some pictures for the scrapbook!