It was April of 1997, three months before graduation and five girls left small town Minnesota for spring break in Cancun. Keep in mind, this was way before all those spring break specials that now put the fear of God into every parent and have made me already decide that my children will never travel without me until they are at least 37.
Here's a picture of two of us at the very first store we went to once we checked into our hotel. Priorities.

We planned our days out well. We'd be up pretty early, eat breakfast at the hotel because it was free and then claim our spots on the beach and just slather on the baby oil and bake in the sun until lunch. In an effort to save our money for more important things like entry fees to the clubs, we'd go buy some snacks and a couple big bottles of water for lunch.

We did venture off the beach for one day of snorkeling on the jet skies with a couple other gals we met that day.

Here's what some hometown girls look like when the drinking age is 18 versus 21.

We apparently got a little comfortable behind the bar one night.

We had such a good time and perhaps should have made a pact that what happens in Cancun stays in Cancun.
I went to Mexico around this time... it was for a mission trip (okay it was a few years later).
Your skirt, your BELLY SHIRT, your strappy white sandals, and your bangs. You were one smokin' hot, rockin' 90's girl, baby!!!
(And yes, I had everything mentioned above EXCEPT a belly shirt b/c I was fat).
I remember when we ran into you guys... my fam and lib and Nancy and Dan... how weird was that!?
i personally adore the z cavaricci shorts with no less the eight buttons on the dang things. good Lord!!
love this! it is great.
even back then you looked with bangs and long hair! Lucky girl!
dude, why didn't i go on spring break to cancun when i was a senior?
oh wait, i went to vegas with matt and HIS PARENTS. fail. :)
Love this..we wore bodysuits when I went on Spring break in 93-95! The snaps in the you know where..WTH? So crazy but so fun..and yes I dont even want to think about letting my 2 boys ever go on SB!
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